Facts & Figures

For every 1,000 births, in the United States, 2 to 3 are born with permanent hearing loss
Worldwide, more than
34 million children are deaf or hard of hearing.
JTC's overarching goals
Detect hearing loss at the earliest possible time in a child's life.
Help children develop the speech, language and listening skills they need to thrive.
Provide each child with optimal access to sound, spoken language and social-developmental activities.
Equip families with the necessary support, knowledge and training to help their children achieve their full communication potential.
Furnish leadership in the field.
JTC programs promote and emphasize listening and spoken language

By encouraging parents to act as their child's best advocate, JTC enables countless young children to master listening and spoken language on par with their hearing peers by the time they reach elementary school.
- 93% of children in our parent-infant program and 100% of children with hearing loss in our preschool demonstrated progress in listening and spoken language
- 100% of families in our worldwide parent education agreed that JTC improved their knowledge of hearing loss and ability to encourage their child's communication skills
- 95% of parents agreed they increased their confidence to assist their child.
Only 18% of funding comes from insurance, school districts contracts & fees for service.
82% Donations from generous supporters account for 82% of JTC's budget.
77% of our audiology clients are underrepresented minority children & 97% of families with known income levels are at or below 200% of poverty.
Throughout the almost 60 years that the JTC Graduate Program has been existence, 100% of the graduates have been successful in gaining employment.
Education Specialist: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teacher Preparation Program and Master of Science in Deaf Education in partnership with Mount Saint Mary's University.
100% of JTC employees feel their work is meaningful and 100% of JTC's Board of Directors feels that JTC positively impacts people's lives.
The goals of the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing are to screen for hearing loss by 1 month of age, perform audiologic diagnosis by 3 months and begin intervention by 6 months
The significance of hearing loss in children according to American Speech Association (ASHA):
- Possible delay in receptive and expressive
- Communication skills (speech and language)
- Possible learning problems due to language deficits
- Possible social emotional issues due to communication difficulties

Children who are diagnosed with hearing loss and begin receiving interventions by 6 months of age have much better language acquisition and avoid poor academic and social-emotional outcomes.
Children from lower-income homes and underrepresented ethnic groups are less likely to receive timely diagnostic follow-up, equal access to hearing aids or cochlear implants, and early intervention
A child's brain is...
50% developed by age 1
80% developed by age 3
Early intervention is vital because the human brain is programmed to learn language during the first six years of life, with the first 3 ½ years being the most critical. It will become increasingly difficult to acquire language if the child is without intervention.

Technological advances in hearing aids and cochlear implants may enable children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing to access sound and develop speech--but diagnosis and educational intervention must begin at an early age.

5 out of 6 children experience ear infections (otitis media) by the time they are 3 years old.
In children, almost 60% of hearing loss can be prevented through measures such as immunization for prevention of rubella and meningitis, improved maternal and neonatal care, and screening for, and early management of, otitis media - inflammatory diseases of the middle ear.

9 of every 10 babies born deaf are born to hearing parents
Without early intervention, services for a child who is deaf or hard of hearing can cost schools approximately $1 Million per child over the course of their lifetime.