School Readiness: Check a Child’s Hearing
School Readiness: Check a Child’s Hearing
A child may develop hearing loss at any time for many reasons. Sometimes a child’s hearing loss is not noticed or may be misinterpreted. If a child shows several of the behaviors listed below, he may be at risk for hearing loss. A hearing screening can identify if he needs help with hearing or learning to listen.
Preschool behaviors that may indicate hearing loss include:
- Responds inconsistently to sounds.
- Does not look or come when his name is called.
- Reports a history of ear infections.
- Complains of ear pain or head noises.
- Raises volume on the TV or video player.
- Turns so one ear is closest to the source of sound.
- Speaks unclearly or has delayed speech for his age.
- Talks in a very soft or very loud voice.
- Says "huh" or "what" frequently.
- Confuses words that sound alike.
- Observes others to imitate their actions.
- Watches people's faces intently when they talk.
- Reacts incosistently in noisy situations.
- Misunderstands what people say frequently.
- Takes a long time to respond to what is said.
- Has trouble listening to and discussing a story.
- Struggles to follow a sequence of directions.
- Explains he forgot or doesn't remember what was heard.
- Appears fearful, shy or prefers to play alone.
- Seems to be unmotivated, inattentive or becomes distracted easily.
- Is described as aggressive, destructive or overactive.
- Looks frustrated, uncooperative or seems to have difficulty learning.
- Uses limited vocabulary, simple sentence and short answers.
- Demonstrates below age-level school readiness skills.
Even a slight hearing loss can impact a child's school skills. Hearing can be tested at any age abd re-tested whenever there is a concern. Request that a child be checked if his listening, language, speech or behavior seem delayed. Ask today!
With strong school and home support a child with hearing loss can become a highly successful student.

School Readiness: Check a Child’s Hearing
A child may develop hearing loss at any time for many reasons. Sometimes a child’s hearing loss is not noticed or may be misinterpreted. If a child shows several of the behaviors listed below, he may be at risk for hearing loss. A hearing screening can identify if he needs help with hearing or learning to listen.
Preschool behaviors that may indicate hearing loss include:
- Responds inconsistently to sounds.
- Does not look or come when his name is called.
- Reports a history of ear infections.
- Complains of ear pain or head noises.
- Raises volume on the TV or video player.
- Turns so one ear is closest to the source of sound.
- Speaks unclearly or has delayed speech for his age.
- Talks in a very soft or very loud voice.
- Says "huh" or "what" frequently.
- Confuses words that sound alike.
- Observes others to imitate their actions.
- Watches people's faces intently when they talk.
- Reacts incosistently in noisy situations.
- Misunderstands what people say frequently.
- Takes a long time to respond to what is said.
- Has trouble listening to and discussing a story.
- Struggles to follow a sequence of directions.
- Explains he forgot or doesn't remember what was heard.
- Appears fearful, shy or prefers to play alone.
- Seems to be unmotivated, inattentive or becomes distracted easily.
- Is described as aggressive, destructive or overactive.
- Looks frustrated, uncooperative or seems to have difficulty learning.
- Uses limited vocabulary, simple sentence and short answers.
- Demonstrates below age-level school readiness skills.
Even a slight hearing loss can impact a child's school skills. Hearing can be tested at any age abd re-tested whenever there is a concern. Request that a child be checked if his listening, language, speech or behavior seem delayed. Ask today!
With strong school and home support a child with hearing loss can become a highly successful student.