JTC currently offers parent distance education opportunities worldwide tailored to the stages of development of young children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Materials and suggestions emphasize listening and spoken language but can be adapted for any communication approach including sign language.
Learning about Babies & Preschoolers
Parents of children with hearing loss - ages birth through five - residing anywhere in the world can take part in John Tracy Center (JTC's) educational programs as either a virtual online or mail-based experience. Our Distance Ed Course provides an opportunity for parents to independently guide their children's communication development according to their family's pace and specific concerns.
JTC currently offers the following resources in English or Spanish, tailored to the stages of early childhood learning and language development. Materials emphasize listening and spoken language but can be adapted for any communication approach including sign language.
Age (0-2 yrs)
Baby Book

The Baby modules can be the beginning of understanding how to build your child's communication. It is reassuring and fun to do!
Age (0-5 yrs)
Mini Course

The Mini sections can be a starting point for understanding your child's hearing loss and your role! It is practical and easy to follow.
Age (2-5 yrs)
Preschool Packet

The Preschool chapters can be the foundation for advancing your child's progress. It is helpful and simple to try.
Age (1 ½ to 5 ½ years)
Parent Connect Workshops
The workshops can be a guide for increasing your child’s interactions
and language. It is effective and enjoyable for families to use.
(Dates and topics are posted on the distance education dashboard to register.)